Friday, 16 February 2018

Learning Journey Family Sessions, Kites and Pancakes!

It was lovely to see so many grown ups at our Learning Journey Family Session.

We made kites, tested them and talked about how they could be even better.

We walked to the shop in the snow to buy the ingredients for pancakes. We wrote a list, counted our money, bought the ingredients and made the pancakes just like Mr Wolf in our story.

After school, we had a Bedtime Story Time. We dressed in our cosy clothes, listened to stories and had hot chocolate and biscuits. Yum!

Thursday, 1 February 2018


Mr Rubio came to talk to us about Colombia and Mrs Hunt came to talk to us about The Philippines. We learned that in both countries, Spanish is spoken and we tried to learn a few words. Both visitors talked to us about the hot weather and the animals that live there.

We won the cup this week for the best lining up after playtimes! Well done Bumblebees!