Monday, 14 December 2020

Our First Term

  The children in Bumblebee class have learned so much in their first term at school and they are now looking forward to a well earned rest at Christmas.

 They have become so independent coming into school, organising their belongings, doing up zips and quickly slipping into their waterproof suits so that they can spend lots of time outside. 

It has been so exciting to see how much progress that the children have made with their phonics. They get busy everyday practising their letters and sounds and their reading and writing is developing quickly.

They are counting, recognising, comparing and looking at the composition of numbers and exploring shapes and measures.

So many stories have been read. 

So many models have been built.

Potions and recipes have been made and mud has been embraced!

We have spent almost every afternoon outside whatever the weather.

We are so proud of what the children have achieved and very thankful for all the support we have had from parents. We look forward to the Spring term.

We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2021.

From us all in The Bumblebee Team

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Our New Bumblebee Class September 2020

 On our first day, our grown ups came in with us for a short time. We explored the outside area and all the outside activities. Coco, our resourceful puppet had hidden some photos of himself so we were resourceful and searched for them. We then caught bubbles together on our big field and Mrs Sullivan talked about us being in our own class bubble to keep us safe.

We are learning to sit on the carpet so that we are safe and so that we can listen carefully. We have stars to sit on.

We have been learning to line up quickly and safely using a 'space maker' (our arm length, like a light sabre). We even practised a fire drill, lining up outside.

We played a 'parce the parcel type' game, The parcel had pieces of Mr Potato Head. These pieces remind us to use our eyes to show that we are listening, rub our ears to check that they are working, blow our noses to catch our coughs and sneezes, use kind hands and kind feet and to remember to bring our smiles to school everyday!

When we work together well as a class, we earn bees for our jar. When we have 10 bees, we play The Honey Pot game. We can also earn our own bees for our own chart.

Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers has been our class book for the last couple of weeks. We have been learning how to look after ourselves, other people, animals and our world. Here we are outside, relaxing on the grass and thinking about slowing things down to relax. Along with eating and drinking, relaxing and sleeping are important for us to keep healthy too.

We will put on some more class photos soon and have just activated Tapestry so parents, you can read more about us there. 

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Memorable Events

We have had lots of memorable events this half term.

We had a visitor who came to talk to us about Chinese New Year.

We went to the shop to buy ingredients to make pancakes and then we made some.

On a windy day, we flew a kite and then made our own kites.

We had a visit from a veterinary nurse who came to tell us about her job. She showed us how to do a health check on our pets and how to bandage an injury.

We all dressed up for World Book Day.

We have been outside in the mud pit and have been digging a really big hole.